For Families

This area of our website is aimed at keeping you, our parents, carers and guardians informed of what is happening at St Francis Xavier's and also to provide you with links to a wide variety of useful information. If there is a topic you are interested in and think others may be interested in, please let us know and we will endeavour to add links to the relevant information.

Family involvement in all aspects of school life is encouraged and valued highly by all school staff. Families are the primary care givers and the primary educators of all children.  Active participation helps unite families, students and staff into a caring and sharing community.

School Community Council

The School Community Council plays a major role to play as a parent forum, in helping to build a genuine spirit of community within the school, in the interaction between parents and teachers and assisting in fundraising. The School Community Council meets once a term to discuss and provide support within the areas of Catholic Identity, Academic Programs, Physical Resources, Enrolment and Growth, Finance and Leadership of the School.

The Council organises activities that promote a spirit of co-operation and communication between parents and the school. Through fundraising activities, the Council aims to help in the provision of teaching aids, facilities and sporting equipment for students. Priorities are set at the beginning of the year for all to work towards throughout the year.

School Uniform




Navy blue shorts (boys)

Skorts (girls) or Summer Dress

Black shoes

Sports shoes (sports days only)

School hat

Navy blue trousers/slacks

School blue long sleeved shirt

School tie (optional)

Royal blue jumper

Navy blue, white or black socks

Gold and blue sports shirt

Gold and blue sports shorts

Royal blue tracksuit

Sports shoes and socks


The School Community Council Fundraising Group supports the canteen with recess each Friday and on ‘special’ days. Any donation of home cooking is gratefully appreciated. Requests to be included on the roster for providing home cooking will be organised early each Term. Lunch is available to purchase once a week on Friday, which is outsourced through the local cafe. Please see school for canteen menu.

School Counsellor

School Counselling is provided through the services of the Student and Family Counselling Unit (CatholicCare Canberra & Goulburn) and is considered to be a part of the school program of total care. Students and families can be supported through difficult times of all sorts, including illness, relationship problems, behavioural problems, or problems of unknown causes. The school counsellor is in twice a term and can be contacted through the school at any other time if required.


Special Days

Library Day


Sport Day


School Mass

Every Second Friday 11.30am